Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Assorted canapés with rye bread
( Tartine assortite con pane di segale )

Our original home cooking

Rye bread isn't typically an ingredient for making canapés. Most people prefer sliced bread, ritz ... But I assure you that rye bread may also be perfect with the right topping. If you know that among your guests there is any lover of grain products, prepare some "different" canapés following my suggestions. And if you have some other interesting ideas share them with us! Mediterranean diet recipe.

difficulty: easy

time: 10 minutes

calories: (kCal)


  • Rye bread, sliced
  • Sun dried tomato paté
  • Swordfish pate
  • Sweet and sour onions
easy recipe
preparation: 10 minutes for 20 canapes
cooking: no cooking
total: 10 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: n.c. (kcal) - n.c. (kJ)
Protein: n.c. (g)
Total fat: n.c. (g)
Total carbohydrate: n.c. (g)
Sugars: n.c. (g)

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Recipe for assorted canapes with rye bread


  • - Cut every slice of rye bread into 4 parts.
    Spoon the pate you've chosen.
    Arrange your canapes on serving platter.

Just before serving

  • - Your assorted canapes are ready!



  • - Among the various attempts that I made there are some very good solutions that even my guests not particularly inclined to special flours have appreciated a lot. I list them:
    Sweet and sour onions with raisins. I used onions produced by Paolo Licata (Villa Reale). My husband and I knew these Sicilian products in food and wine fairs around Italy and usually buy them. But if you know the recipe for this kind of onions you can use it safely for these canapes.
    Swordfish pate. I spooned swordfish pate by Paolo Licata. You can read about it on this page. But I think you can obtain a similar product blending smoked swordfish together with olive oil.
    Another good choice is sun dried tomato pate. There are many good-quality products on the market. Choose what you prefer.
  • - In any case you'll need strong or very intense and smelling flavors like sweet and sour onions to make your canapes may be appreciated.
  • - Prepare these canapes 1 hour ahead.

Menu planning

  • - Prepare these canapes for your aperitivo or cocktail party. Pair a full-bodied cocktail or rosé sangria. They are very tasty combined with skewers with baby pineapple and speck ham.

Useful links for this recipe


What's the right wine for " Assorted canapés with rye bread "?

My husband and I generally choose the wine or cocktail to pair according to the other courses too but in this case we have a preference for rosé sangria as I've just written. I recommend you not to choose a fruit cocktail with sparkling wine :))