Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Strangozzi with black truffle sauce
( Strangozzi al tartufo nero)

Traditional recipe from Umbria

Strangozzi seasoned with black truffle sauce remind me of my youth. I lived in Umbria, between Terni and Spoleto, about 16 years until, 32 years old, I moved to Piedmont because that beautiful land offered no possibility of stable work. In all those years I absorbed the stunning Umbrian cuisine and then I mixed it with the other influences that I had from my family and my own experience. This pasta dish is nothing but the true recipe that we had learned to do by the locals. Strangozzi is a typical pasta of the area and black truffle is delicious, really. A simple dish but expensive, to consider it for your special occasions.

difficulty: easy

time: 40 minutes

calories: 456 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 180g (6 1/3 ounces) strangozzi or long pasta
  • 25g (1 ounce) black truffle, frsh or in brine
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
easy recipe
preparation: 15 minutes
cooking: 25 minutes
total: 40 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 456 (kcal) 23 % - 1907 (kJ)
Protein: 10.4 (g) 21 % GDA
Total fat: 16.3 (g) 24 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 71.3 (g) 27 % GDA
Sugars: 3.9 (g) 5 % GDA

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Recipe for strangozzi with black truffle sauce

Preparation and cooking

  • - Prepare black truffle sauce.
    Read the recipe carefully on the specific page. So you know how to clean black truffle and how to prepare this sauce with fresh or canned truffles. You'll find the link to the sauce below.
  • - Cook strangozzi in boiling salted water following the instructions on the package. Cooking times can be highly variable depending on the product.
  • - Drain pasta and transfer it into the pan again.
  • - Season pasta with black truffle sauce.
    Sesoan to taste if necessary and stir.

Just before serving

  • - Serve at once.



  • - You can prepare black truffle sauce in advance and chill until seasoning your pasta.
    You can preserve it for some days in the refrigerator. Anyway my tip is to use it as soon as possible.
  • - As you can see in our photo strangozzi are nothing more than semolina pasta in the shape of spaghetti. Typically they are made by hand and therefore are very irregular. Instead, the ones you see in our photo are an industrial product.
    However, you can also season normal spaghetti with black truffle sauce provided they are not too thin.
  • - If you have any pasta left, don't worry! It's delicious if heated up the day after in a non-stick frying pan.
  • - More news about truffles can be found in our web site dedicated to food. The link below.
    Here I just want to clarify one thing. If you are in Italy in a restaurant and read on menu card truffle spaghetti or pasta ask the waiter what it means. Most of the times pasta is topped with a mushroom sauce flavored with truffle that has nothing to do with the recipe of this page. It is also delicious but the recipe is not the same thing ;))

Menu planning

  • - Choose strangozzi with black truffles for your special occasions: Christmas and Easter menus, anniversaries or other special events to celebrate with family and friends.
  • - Truffle is found throughout the year, fresh and preserved in brine in jars. Then this dish can be planned whenever you want.
  • - Strangozzi with black truffle sauce can be combined with meat, fish, molluscs and crustaceans. So it is easy to plan a menu with this dish. I use just a precaution. I always choose an entree whose flavor is not too determined so the palate can then appreciate better black truffle. A perfect example of what I've just written is Bella Rosina eggs. Link below.

Useful links for this recipe

  • - Consult our special page on black truffle to know more about this ingredient so precious for Italian cuisine. The page is on our web site dedicated to ingredients and healthy eating.
  • - Here's the link to black truffle sauce recipe.
  • - If you want to know Bella Rosina eggs ... follow the link.
  • - Finally, if you want a reliable address where you can buy fresh and preserved truffles, willingly, I share with you the one from which my husband and I buy truffles via internet. Italia Tartufi. The website sells strangozzi too. To be honest they are not identical to the pasta that we propose in the recipe but you know very well, I hope, that every Italian town has its own specialties and often it is used the same name for products with small differences.

Healthy eating

  • - Are you wondering why a pasta dish with very few ingredients has a caloric value so high? there are two factors at stake: the amount of pasta and olive oil.
    The right portion of pasta is 80 grams but in this case I used 90 grams.
    The olive oil is also abundant and you have to think that 2 teaspoons of olive oil have 90 calories. So you can understand easily why so high calories compared to the ingredients.
    It is difficult for me to change these quantities because everything is related to the right proportion for truffle.
    On the other hand more than once I have stressed that this dish is to be prepared rarely. Too expensive ;))
  • - Fiber per serving: 3.3 grams


What's the right wine for " Strangozzi with black truffle sauce "?

My father always uncorked a bottle of bubbles (Italian prosecco is the best) and still now I think he was right.