Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Tortellini with ham-and-cream sauce
( Tortellini panna e prosciutto )

Traditional Italian recipe

Tortellini with ham-and-cream sauce is a typical Italian recipe. It's easy and quick to do but very tasty.
You can prepare it for your daily menu if you want to eat Italian-way or choose it for a celebration menu. There are a lot of recipes on Internet, very different from each other. This is the version I'm used to prepare. I dedicated a post on these different recipes. Link below. To make cream-and-ham tortellini you'll need: fresh tortellini, heavy cream, baked ham, aromatic herbs, nutmeg and extra virgin olive oil.

difficulty: easy

time: preparation: 10 minutes
cooking: 20 minutes
total: 30 minutes

calories: 617 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 250g (8 3/4 ounces) fresh tortellini
  • 80g (2.8 ounces) cotto ham in a slice
  • 1 tablespoon dried chives
  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • 6 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
easy recipe
preparation: 10 minutes
cooking: 20 minutes
total: 30 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 617 (kcal) 31 % - 2583 (kJ)
Protein: 25.0 (g) 50 % GDA
Total fat: 36.9 (g) 53 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 56.0 (g) 21 % GDA
Sugars: 6.0 (g) 7 % GDA

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Recipe for cream-and-ham tortellini

Preparation and cooking

  • - Prepare tortellini sauce.
    Chop cotto ham very finely.
    Put olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Add ham too!
  • - Cook tortellini.
    Cook tortellini al dente stage, following the instructions on the package, in a plenty of boiling salt water.

Just before serving

  • - The last step.
    A minute before draining your tortellini, heat up sauce.
    Drain and transfer tortellini into the pan.
    Flavor on medium heat, stirring with delicacy, less than a minute.
    At the last moment add heavy cream, aromatic herbs and nutmeg.
    Stir and serve at once.



  • - Serve accompanied with a bowl full of Parmesan cheese. Everyone will be able to sprinkle it on the top of his dish.
  • - Generally I do not add any salt to my tortellini sauce. In fact tortellini filling and cotto ham are already salted. But this is subjective. My tip is to avoid using too much salt for a healthy eating.
  • - A lot of people use butter instead of olive oil. I prefer to use olive oil not to increase fat amount. It is already high ;))

Menu planning

  • - Cream-and-ham tortellini is an ideal recipe for your full menus, Italian-style. It's a quick and easy recipe you can prepare while your guests are drinking aperitivo. Do you know aperitivo? alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink accompanied by a variety of finger foods. Serve aperitivo while your guests are still standing, waiting for sitting at the table.
    A traditional Italian menu is composed by: antipasto (starter), first course (generally made with rice or pasta), second course that is main dish, and dessert. Tortellini tossed with ham-and-cream sauce will be your first course.
    I recommend you to choose starter and main dish with meat ingredients.

Useful links for this recipe

  • - This recipe for tortellini is one course in a S. Valentine's day menu of mine: a heart that beats for you!
    All recipes are heart-shaped. Have a look at it :))
  • - You could also be interested in a post of mine, edited in Google+, in which I compare different versions of this recipe for tortellini. If you think this is a high-calorie recipe ... perhaps ... you have to change your idea ;)) Cream-and-ham tortellini & Co.

Healthy eating

  • - What about this recipe? it seems clear that, as you exit from the usual healthy plan and use cream and salami, calories increase immediately. Keep in mind that I did not consider puff pastry.
    So this is a dish to be eaten very sparingly, only on special occasions.
  • - Fiber per serving: 3.1 grams


What's the right wine for " Tortellini with ham-and-cream sauce "?

My husband and I prefer to drink a medium-bodied red wine such as Lambrusco of Sorbara (red wine of Emilia - Italy)