Dedicated to ...
The Woman's Day

Tips for every man who'd like to celebrate his favorite women on March 8
This page is directed only to male readers and requires important preliminary remarks.
The women work 365 days a year. Every day of the year. And they do double work, at home and at work.
They should be supported every day not only on the 8th of March.
Indeed, with real and concrete collaboration for 365 days, the world would be better. On a smaller scale, the family life would be happier.
Only if you agree with these remarks, celebrate the woman: mother, wife, partner, girlfriend or daughter ...
Otherwise all is false and hypocritical, even your greetings.
Man, if you have never shared the work, duties and responsibilities at home, the International Women's Day could be an opportunity to begin. Simply say: from now on rely on me! There is no greater gift for a woman.
But if you, man, have always gave a real support to women in your family? Read my tips!
- - The men of the family could invite the women to dine out. And I'm not just talking about the husband that invites his wife but the whole family group. This, of course, would be a beautiful table! More generations to celebrate. An important way to give continuity to life.
- - The husband asks a work permit in the afternoon to prepare a surprise dinner. Maybe with the help of his children. Precious opportunity to talk with the youth of the steps that brought women to win civil rights. But you will be surprised how little young people know about recent history. Not everyone knows that women have won the right to vote recently.
- - There is always a group of friends that see each other very often. Well, the men of the group could plan a casual get-together thinking of everything: planning the dinner menu, shopping, cooking, setting the table, buying the flowers for the table, setting the table and even looking for a poem dedicated to woman ...
But how can I, man, do all this? Don't worry, here are The Italian Taste's tips!
- - Greeting cards
- - Themed dinner menu: International menu for the International Women's Day,
- - How to set the table
Author: Loretta Sebastiani
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