Dedicated to ...
Spanish cuisine

Dedicated to Spanish cuisine
We are always fascinated from the cuisine of the other countries. The idea of tasting other flavours excites us.
The best thing is to prepare the dishes at home and invite our friends! What a wonderful dinner party!
So we decided to dedicate some pages to the international recipes:
let's start with Spanish cuisine!
In this pages you'll be able to find some news about Spanish cuisine and the recipes we have chosen and tasted for you.
The recipes are easy and you'll be able to find the requested ingredients easily.
But if you want to plan a Spanish dinner party, take a look at my table setting idea.
In those pages we suggest some menus and an idea for setting up the table; besides you can download the menu and invitation cards, placecards and the numbers for the tables if you are planning a party for a lot of guests.
Its regional cuisine, the basic ingredients and other news ...
first courses
Author: Loretta Sebastiani
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