Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Spinach souffle
( Soufflé agli spinaci )

Traditional recipe

The spinach souffle, like all souffles, is not very easy to do. Below, you can find a link to my post where I shared a number of tips to get souffle acceptable and very, very good.

difficulty: difficult

time: 40 minutes

calories: 288 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 4

  • 150g (5.3 ounces) boiled spinach, squeezed and minced
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 C cream
  • A handful bredcrumbs, soaked in milk
  • 20g (0.7 ounces) salted butter
  • Salt
difficult recipe
preparation: 30 minutes
cooking: 10 minutes
total: 40 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 288 (kcal) 15 % - 1207 (kJ)
Protein: 13.2 (g) 27 % GDA
Total fat: 22.7 (g) 33 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 8.3 (g) 4 % GDA
Sugars: 1.8 (g) 2 % GDA

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Spinach souffle recipe

Preparation and cooking

  • - Separate yolks from whites.
  • - Beat yolks and add a handful of breadcrumb (soaked in milk and squeezed) and then spinach.
  • - Season your mixture with salt and combine with cream. Stir gently.
  • - Butter a souffle mould that must be a little baking dish but depth.
  • - Preheat oven to 200 °C (400°F).
  • - Begin whisking egg whites with an electric mixer until they are "broken" and foamy.
    Increase speed and continue beating until whites hold soft peaks when the whisk or beaters are lifted from the bowl. This is the most delicate stage; it is necessary to be patient, whisking egg whites for a long time.
  • - Now fold egg whites into yolk mixture very carefully.
  • - Gently pour into prepared mould. Remember to fill up to 2/3; soufflé grows in volume with the cooking.
  • - Bake, 10 minutes.

Just before serving

  • - Serve your spinach souffle still hot.



  • - An important thing is whisking very well egg whites. During this stage you always have to rotate your electric mixer in the same direction. I know by experience that, to whisk 4 egg whites, 10-15 minutes are necessary, according to whisk speed. But if you are patient, your result will be better.
  • - Do not open oven during cooking time.

Menu planning

  • - You can make this dish when you've got some spinach left. It can be a complete dinner or lunch accompanied by a green salad and fresh seasonal fruit.

Useful links for this recipe

  • - If interested, take a look at my post with 10 tips about souffle making.
